This semester I enjoyed english class, it wasn't heavy to attend.However, thinking about all the english classes I took during the career, I must say that it wasn't a really friendly process for me. Even when enslish languaje is important for us I'm not agree about english matter as a required subject for graduation. Also I think that concentrate 3 hours os english class just in one day is too much. Maybe half hour per day would be more enjoyable, and with more listening, like practicing listening excercises at some kind of english lab with computers plus just 45 minutes of class. I have thought about that many times and for me its like the way childrens do learn languajes, just socializing and listening constantly I don't believe something is going to change, at least not in university because other subjects are also introduced through socialization.
Here people do learn reading, chating with teachers, other students, people around, they also learn watching movies, listening to music, etc. Personally I really need to improve, I have serious problem with verbal times and I don't know enough vocabulary so I also have problems expressing myself just because I do not know too much words. Sometime when I see anglo speakers I have to use fake words o just the basic and I can't improve too much becauso I rarely see anglo speakers and even less chating with them. Anyway I'm sure I can do best and time will bring me the chance to take english as something really natural and easy. And at the same time for me is kind of sad, the fact that english languaje has become in something like the empire's languaje.
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