Health is an important element for a good life. In Chile, public
hospitals are very damaged and there aren`t enought to attend all the people
that needs attention. People who go to public hospital can’t pay a private service.
In Chile, the difference between the public and private hospitals show the difference
that Chile makes between the rich people and the working class who don`t pay
for health.
For this reason, I think social inequality and few investment
in public policies, are necessary so each person learns about natural medicine
and which is the best natural foods to feel better in general because of this
point of view, the mind and the body are unite.
One ordinary but fundamental element is: the food we eat. It
is fundamental to know about plants as medicines and food because “we are what
we eat”. And we are the medicine that we use”, because if you look around, each corner has a drugstore.
When Monsanto arrived, we must be afraid of all the food! Because
it is more difficult to know what you eat, or if some pacific vegetable is dangerous or not. Maybe, one of the right thing is “to make our food” and stop
buying everything. This world can be crazy because those who have the control
and make decisions are people who pay for all.
Thank contemporary diseases are caused by food! Monsanto is very dangerous!